Academic Achievement
All Levels

CTP Online Testing Package


The CTP Online testing package includes one license per student, granting access to the online test administration portal and all CTP sub-tests, tutorials, and reports.

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The Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP)  is a summative assessment for Grades 1-11 that helps educators identify their students’ strengths and weaknesses in a variety of subject areas to help refine curricula and develop targeted instructional interventions.

Key Features

Grades 1-11

The Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP) is a summative assessment for students beginning in the Spring of Grade 1 through the Fall of Grade 11. It covers reading, listening, vocabulary, writing, mathematics, and science. Beginning in Grade 3, the CTP includes subtests for verbal and quantitative reasoning skills.

Norm-Referenced and Trusted

Backed by over 95 years of experience developing powerful educational tools, CTP is the primary achievement assessment used by independent schools worldwide by hundreds of thousands of students each year. CTP offers incredibly strong norm pools at the national, independent school, and association levels.

Flexible Administration Options

Schools choose their testing season—Fall or Spring—and when to test within the season.

Robust Reporting in 360 Access

CTP online results are available in 360 Access within 48 hours. Results are easy to access, understand, and utilize as often as they'd like in order to help students achieve their learning goals. Customizable reports make it easy to slice your data in different ways by selecting the students, subtests, norms, and testing seasons you want to analyze.