Social-Emotional Learning



The SelfWise inventory of the CASEL competencies can help educators identify pathways to student growth and better understand the whole child, including how students’ ability to navigate the school environment may affect their academic growth.

Existing Inventory
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The SelfWise inventory of the CASEL competencies can help educators identify pathways to student growth and better understand the whole child, including how students’ ability to navigate the school environment may affect their academic growth.

Key Features

Grades 3-12

The inventory is available across three grade spans: Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12.

A Comprehensive Inventory of Students’ Social-Emotional Skills

The inventory of the CASEL competencies measures social and emotional skills within various contexts, giving educators valuable insights to help students navigate their environment.

Trend Analyses at the Student, Grade, and School Levels

SelfWise gathers data to identify trends and support initiatives that foster a positive and healthy environment where students can thrive in the classroom setting and beyond.

Easy to Use

The untimed student experience takes approximately 15 minutes and consists of 45 multiple-choice items, making it quick to administer. It is recommended that the inventory be conducted twice a year: once at the beginning of the school year, once after the students have settled into a routine, and once at the end of the school year.