Grades 3-12

WrAP Paper Materials


WrAP, ERB's Writing Assessment Program, measures student writing achievement to help classroom teachers pinpoint their students’ writing strengths and weaknesses. At this step, you are only purchasing test booklets. You will select your prompts in the WrAP Portal after you place your test booklet order. Please note you will be charged for scoring after you submit student responses. Scoring costs are an additional $12.00 per student.

School Year
School Year

WrAP, ERB's norm- and criterion-referenced Writing Assessment Program, measures student writing achievement to help classroom teachers pinpoint their students’ writing strengths and weaknesses. At this step, you are only purchasing test booklets. You will select your prompts in the WrAP Portal after you place your test booklet order.

Key Features

Grades 3-12

Developed in collaboration with our member schools and writing experts, WrAP is administered across five grade-level bands, with higher performance expectations at each level.


Educators can choose from a variety of writing prompts to find the best options for their students. The WrAP program offers two types of prompts -stimulus and non-stimulus prompts. Each prompt type consists of three categories to choose from: Informative, Argument/Opinion, and Narrative. Students can revise their first drafts before submitting a final version for scoring.

Flexible Administration Options with Actionable Reporting

Administer WrAP when it’s best for your students -Fall, Winter, or Spring. Receive Individual and Group Level Student Reports containing criterion-referenced data with links to annotated writing samples.


WrAP is administered as a paper test only. Students can hand-write or use a word-processing tool to complete their responses.